Make the most of touch and mobile with your old site.

  • 20 Sep 2013


Not ready for the plunge to revamp your existing site to a new responsive design website? You’re not alone and we understand that websites are an expensive investment but even if you’re stuck with a website designed before the swarm of mobile and touch devices there are still a few thing you can do to make the most of what you’ve got.

Phone Numbers as Links

Everyone knows about the special way we create links for website and email addresses, but did you know you can treat phone numbers the same way? How convenient is it to see a phone number on a website with you phone and just ‘tap’ to ring. In fact these days I get very frustrated when I’m forced to copy and paste to my dialer.

Of course you’d think on a traditional desktop or laptop this may not make sense, or does it? There is a growing trend in business to have VOIP based phone systems that are controlled through a desktop application, this also extends to services like Skype. So a clickable phone number really does make sense and runs the gamut of devices.

Try it here 03 4776699.

Google Maps for Directions

Almost everyone uses Google Maps on their site to show store or office locations. Wouldn’t it be convenient  if you could tap a button to get directions. Well you can, and you should. If someone visits your site on a mobile phone there is a good chance they’re looking for you, why not give them the convenience of the Google Maps direction service. This is a simple as passing a latitude and longitude along to Google Maps while on a location aware device (ie your phone). Try it here Get me to ZUMA.

These two tips are simple and easy to implement while being forward thinking and also going a long way in helping your users easily contact and find you on their fancy new mobile device.

Contact us and make sure you’re implementing these on your site.

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Developing websites and web applications for over 20 years. Experienced in Coldfusion / Lucee (CFML), AWS, MySQL, HTMX, JQuery, Shopify and Liquid.

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